Hearts, Hearts Everywhere!

So with Valentines day  quickly approaching added to the fact that I have 4 little girls in my home means that on top of the regular amount of  pink in my house, we are now bombarded with hearts too.  I  don’t mind too much.  My husband, well, he puts up with it. The craft that  we worked on  earlier in the week will be sticking around for  a while.  So I guess that means he will have to put up  with it for a while.

My girls have been in a room that has desperately needed  some decoration.  We  have done  posters from time to time but they never seem to last long.  I was also wanting to do  something a little more permanent so this is  what we came up with.

This was a really easy  craft and  very hands on  for my older two. I actually gave them  each a  canvas to work on and let them  do whatever  they wanted to on theirs.  I  did this one on my own.  There is a perfectionist  streak in me that I am  working on but I can’t quite let it go. So we did one together too.

They loved the  dragonfly punch  so they  went crazy punching them out. We worked on the yellow one together.

If  you would like to  give this a  try it’s super easy and, this is  my favorite part, cheap! I  spent twenty dollars on a  5 pack of  canvas and then I  used things that I already had on hand.  Here’s what you will need:


Paint and brushes

Paint Chips

Paper Punches, whatever shapes you want.

Glue or pop dots

First you paint your canvas whatever color you like and allow  plenty of time to dry. About twenty-four  hours.  Using  the paint chips (which  you can get for free if you go to the paint section of your local hardware store or Wal-mart and ask very nicely) punch a big pile of hearts.  When my canvas was dry I placed the paper shapes where I wanted them  to go and used pop dots to  stick on the  hearts.  The pop dots added a nice bit of dimension.  It makes the picture stand out a bit. That’s it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

This is a great  craft to do with your kids.  What I loved about  doing it  was watching  how  the different personalities of  my girls came through while we were crafting.  My eight year old was very meticulous and took her time placing the pieces and  my six year old  just took piles of  shapes and  put them on piles of glue. I really  had fun doing this craft, if  you give it a try I would love to hear what you think.  Do you have a favorite activity to do with your little ones?

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