We’ve Moved!

Little Pink Cupcakes  has moved!  We have a new address and a  beautiful new look.  To  keep up with all the latest crafts, giveaways and posts come check us out at littlepinkcupcakes.com .  If you are a follower of this  blog you may need to  subscribe again at the new site due to some technical difficulties during the  switch over.  Hope to see you soon!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Thanks so much to all of you for signing up on my blog and facebook page. I am totally feeling the love! I used random.org and the winner is “Flower Bubbles”. Please message me on the Little Pink Cupcakes facebook page with your address so I can get your prize on it’s way!

Thanks to everyone who entered to win. I was an exciting week for me watching all the likes add up. Stick around because there will be more giveaways coming up and lots of fun projects, recipes and crafts coming up. See you soon!

Every Princess Needs a Tower

Ok,  princess I am not, but  Bedraggled, sleep  deprived queen of my tiny castle? You  bet.  If  you checked out my  last post,  you  know that we I  have some serious laundry issues. I don’t know about you  but I  find it impossible to  keep up on our laundry.  There always seems to be a  mountain of  laundry to wash and fold on any given day.  I  have been off on maternity  leave  for a  year and I am  heading back to work in a few short weeks which means that our laundry situation is not going to get any better any time soon.

I  spent a  lot of time thinking and  planning and pinteresting (is that a word?) and  came up  with  a great  solution. A  tower.  A beautiful laundry tower.  I  got the idea here.  Now  the original one   was designed to  be a dresser.  I  loved the idea and had my husband build me this:

Isn’t it beautiful? Well, you know, for a  laundry tower.  It  works perfectly  for  our family. Mom and Dad share the top one and everyone else gets their own. I  am hoping if I am a really  good girl that Santa will bring me a Silhouette Cameo for Christmas so I  can apply some really cute  vinyl lettering, but for the time being I am going to use some patterned  scrapbooking paper to add an initial to  the front of each basket.

Having this lovely  creation has made a  huge difference in keeping our laundry  area clean and tidy. It  has also made it  easy to implement a laundry day for my two older girls.  Especially because  they can  just grab their basket throw it straight into the washer, the dry and then  take it right into their rooms to be folded and put away (insert blissful sigh  here).  Every little bit helps!

Do you have a  mountain of laundry?  Any  tips or tricks that help you keep it under control?

My Very First Giveaway!

Thanks so much  for stopping by!  As the title of this  post state there is in fact a  giveaway,  which is super exciting because it’s my very first one.   I  love my blog, small though it may be and I am hoping that  it is a place  people will enjoy coming.  I  really like  sharing the projects I am working on and  hearing what my readers are doing too.  So  in a shameless attempt to grow my  little blog I  am doing a giveaway.

When I  hit 25 subscribers to my blog and 50 to my facebook page I  will be giving away a copy  of  The Money Saving Mom’s Budget: Slash Your Spending, Pay Down Your Debt, Streamline Your Debt and Save Thousands a Year.  I  stumbled upon this  gem a few months ago and  preordered it immediately.  I  will be purchasing the  book from Amazon.ca and mailing directly to the winner.  I  have not been paid in anyway to  do this giveaway. I love this book and I  know that you  will see big differences in your financial life if you try even a few of the suggestions.

Money Saving Mom has a fantastic blog.  If you haven’t  checked it out you really should.  Mom or not  she  has a ton of ideas for saving money and  making your home run smoothly.  In  her book she offers  advice on a  whole bunch of topics from setting financial goals to  decluttering your home.  I have  read and reread this book and  I can’t wait to  give it to  one of my readers.

The really good news for you is that due to the low numbers I am looking for  your chances of winning are really good.  If  you would like to enter you need to do one of two things (although if you do both you will get 2 entries)

1. Follow my  blog, there is an email subscription button at the top right hand side of my  blog and leave a comment. Leave a  comment by clicking the  conversation bubble beside the title of my post.

2. Like Little Pink Cupcakes on Facebook  (I  promise I won’t  junk up your facebook page with a unnecessary posts) and leave a comment.

Easy Peasy right? As soon as we hit those magic numbers I  will use random.org to determine the winner and I  will mail the book directly to the lucky person.  It  might speed things up if you  pass this along to anyone  you know who might be interested in reading my little blog.   Thanks again for stopping by and good luck!

Tip Junkie handmade projects

The Sock Solution!

I  know you have one too.  A chore that  you hate to deal with.  A job in your home that never quite gets done. Being a large family  means that there are certain areas that desperately need to be organized  so I  don’t lose my mind and so that our house functions better.  Usually these are the things that I never get around to but this week I  tackled one of the many.  Allow me to introduce you to my biggest frustration:


At any given time in our house we have a FULL laundry basket  of socks.  While it’s great for building early math concepts (sorting and matching) and for starting  sock wars it is seriously annoying to deal with every laundry day. Because this  has been a problem in our house for so long I  decided we needed a better system for our socks and I  came up with a great one.  Rather than  going through  the  hassle of  pairing up socks every Sunday (the only time I seem to get around to finishing the 12 loads of laundry our  family generates) when I  am folding everything,  I  decided to implement a  snap system.


I  assigned each girl in our house a color (we used brown, pink, aqua and green) and  attached snaps to  each of their socks.  The socks  remain snapped together  when not in use, and they get  snapped back together after they are taken off  and put into the laundry (hopefully!).  Voila! No  more  sock matching.  This will also help to cut down on the fighting over socks (yes, my  kids fight over socks, they fight over a lot of things).  Easy Peasy.


All I needed to  do it were the socks we already owned, snaps, and a snap setter.  As my girls get older I  am going to  just buy a specific sock style for each girl and  continue to apply the snaps.


When I applied the  snaps I  made sure the  smooth flat part of the snap was on the inside of the  sock so little feet wouldn’t  be irritated buy a pokey part rubbing on ankles.  I  also placed them  on the inner ankles and not the heel, so that the  heel of the shoe wouldn’t rub on the snap.   Hopefully I will never see a  full basket of socks again.

Do you  have laundry issues? Something  in your home that needs to be tackled?

Sugar free Chocolate Chip Cookies

 I  would like to start  by saying that I feel like I  have a Dr. Jekyl/Mrs.Hyde thing going  on in this blog.  I post things like blueberry Cheesecake and  Caramel Coconut Brownie Squares  and  then  say  that I  am trying to  cut  the  sugar out in my house.   While I  do  enjoy cooking the super yummy sugary sweets from time to time  for the  most part I do  try to  keep the sugar to a minimum.   I  search for  recipes and  snacks that will satisfy  my  girls and  keep me  happy in the sugar department.

So  when I  first came across a recipe that had no sugar, no butter and  no flour I was both excited and skeptical.  I  mean seriously,  how good could they be?  Well  I decided to give them a try and  hot diggity they were fantastic!   They were sweet,  light and  very, very tasty.   They have a slight  toasted coconut flavor on the bottom too.  Thebest thing of all?  My  kids D-E-V-O-U-R them.  I  have to make them 2-3 batches at a  time because they vanish in this house.

They are perfect for  lunches, snacks and if you want your kids to think  you are the world’s best mom you can  even use them as breakfast and  still feel good about it. They are also  safe to eat  raw because they don’t have any egg in them (not that  egg in cookie batter has ever stopped us from eating  raw batter).

I  don’t know why banana as a binder never occurred to me. It’s so smart!  The  cookies don’t have a banana flavor to them  so if you aren’t a  fan of banana then  you will still enjoy these cookies.

Here’s the recipe:

3  mashed bananas
1/4 cup Coconut oil warm (not hot)  so it isn’t solid
1 1/2 cups regular rolled oats
1 cup coconut flakes
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 cup of almond meal
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup of chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to  350

In a large bowl combine your mashed banana, liquid coconut oil and vanilla, in a separate bowl  mix together rolled oats, coconut flakes, cinnamon, and almond meal.  Then  stir your dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and combine.

If you  don’t have almond  meal  on hand but you  do have almonds just  throw them in a food processor until they look like this:


Here’s where you can  switch it up.  If  you want the  good old chocolate chip experience add the  chocolate chips.  If  you want truly  sugar free cookies then you can  use carob chips.  If you want to  skip the  chocolate  chips altogether you could use raisins, cranberries, dates or any dried fruit of your choosing.  If you want to  be sneaky you  could even hide some ground flax seed in there too.

Scoop them onto a  cookie sheet and  bake about 12-15 minutes,  until the  bottoms of the cookies are  browned.   You should get about 30 small cookies.  If  you  make them too big they  won’t cook all the way through.

I hope you  give them a  try.  They will be a   new favorite.  I promise.

Who’s up for a Quickie?

A valentines craft quickie that is!  I decided to whip up one more before the big day is upon us.  I saw a ton of  felt and paper christmas garlands on pinterest and thought it would be really fun to adapt one for valentines day,  This is another great one to get your kids involved with. Super fast and super easy.

First you cut out a whole bunch of hearts.  Probably about  50-60 depending how long you would like  your garland to be.  This  part is great for the kids to do, so  you can cook dinner, fold laundry, clean the bathroom, you know, the fun stuff.

With what ever color thread you like,  feed a needle through the center of the felt heart.  Try to keep it in the  middle so you can’t see the thread on either side of the  heart. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Well, you get the picture right?

You can space them with gaps between each heart.

Or no gaps.  Whatever you like.  If you are going to do gaps it might be a good idea to tie a knot on the string, thread your heart on and then tie a knot at the top of the heart. This will help them to remain evenly spaced.

See I told you it was fast.  I hope you have a great Valentine’s day and spend it with people you love.

Hearts, Hearts Everywhere!

So with Valentines day  quickly approaching added to the fact that I have 4 little girls in my home means that on top of the regular amount of  pink in my house, we are now bombarded with hearts too.  I  don’t mind too much.  My husband, well, he puts up with it. The craft that  we worked on  earlier in the week will be sticking around for  a while.  So I guess that means he will have to put up  with it for a while.

My girls have been in a room that has desperately needed  some decoration.  We  have done  posters from time to time but they never seem to last long.  I was also wanting to do  something a little more permanent so this is  what we came up with.

This was a really easy  craft and  very hands on  for my older two. I actually gave them  each a  canvas to work on and let them  do whatever  they wanted to on theirs.  I  did this one on my own.  There is a perfectionist  streak in me that I am  working on but I can’t quite let it go. So we did one together too.

They loved the  dragonfly punch  so they  went crazy punching them out. We worked on the yellow one together.

If  you would like to  give this a  try it’s super easy and, this is  my favorite part, cheap! I  spent twenty dollars on a  5 pack of  canvas and then I  used things that I already had on hand.  Here’s what you will need:


Paint and brushes

Paint Chips

Paper Punches, whatever shapes you want.

Glue or pop dots

First you paint your canvas whatever color you like and allow  plenty of time to dry. About twenty-four  hours.  Using  the paint chips (which  you can get for free if you go to the paint section of your local hardware store or Wal-mart and ask very nicely) punch a big pile of hearts.  When my canvas was dry I placed the paper shapes where I wanted them  to go and used pop dots to  stick on the  hearts.  The pop dots added a nice bit of dimension.  It makes the picture stand out a bit. That’s it. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

This is a great  craft to do with your kids.  What I loved about  doing it  was watching  how  the different personalities of  my girls came through while we were crafting.  My eight year old was very meticulous and took her time placing the pieces and  my six year old  just took piles of  shapes and  put them on piles of glue. I really  had fun doing this craft, if  you give it a try I would love to hear what you think.  Do you have a favorite activity to do with your little ones?

Valentines Treats

I  can’t believe it but  here we are  two full weeks away from valentines day and I have actually  finished the valentines for  my oldest two girls classes. Seriously.  If  you knew  me  you would know that I am usually finishing these things at 11:00 the  night before they need to be there.  But  for whatever reason I actually finished them early  and I love the way they turned out.

This was a super easy food craft to make and it  was a lot of fun for my girls  to help with. From making the bark to packaging it up they  were very hands on. Which was great because they  like to be hands on. Which is sometimes hard for me  because I want things to look perfect but that’s a post for another day.

The process to make the bark was very easy.  For 45 kids I used about 3 lbs  of melting wafers. Half white chocolate and half milk chocolate, conversation hearts and colored sprinkles of your choice.  Over low heat we  melted the white chocolate wafers and poured them onto a large clean cookie sheet. We did the same with the milk  chocolate wafers and poured them over the white chocolate before it set.  Before the milk chocolate sets sprinkle the conversation hearts on  and then  your sprinkles.

This is what you’ll have:

A yummy chocolatey tray of Valentines treats.  Now for the fun part. Break it up. Snap it into evenly sized pieces. You will want to make sure that you have a few extra pieces left for  testing.  Quality control is very important.

At our local dollar store we found  packages of forty  valentines themed cellophane bags for a dollar, the perfect price for us, and packaged them up.

I had been looking on pinterest for some  valentines printables and found these and these (I don’t know if I will ever get through another post without mentioning pinterest).   Printed them out and they were a perfect fit.

What are you doing for Valentines Day? Do  you have anything special planned for your kids?

Apple Quinoa Muffins

I know I have been  doing a lot of  posts about baking lately and I  will be getting back to crafting soon.  I  actually  have a  couple of really cute Valentines crafts coming up in the next couple weeks.  But for now we are on a  baking  spree.

Each Sunday I  try  to  get some baking done  so my  girls have some nutritious nibbles for their lunches.  I  have 2  school aged children and two little ones  at home so whatever I  make I  have to make a lot of. It needs to be  low sugar, because I am on a mission to  minimize the amount of  sugar my kids consume.  It  has to  be healthy.    It has to be baby friendly because I am doing  baby led weaning with my 9 month old, and it has to be tasty because I have two very  picky  children.

Recently I have been  using  quinoa in a lot of  my  baking and cooking  because it is a fantastic grain that has a ton  of health benefits and is a complete protein on it’s own.

A while ago I made  a pumpkin  quinoa  muffin that was really good.  I  figure  since I am on an apple  kick these days that I would  change things up a  bit  and play with the recipe.

After a  couple of attempts, I came up  with a version that I am pretty happy with. If your kids are  picky  about textures you can blend the cooked quinoa with the milk in the recipe and it will produce a smoother texture in the  muffin. This is what I have to do for my oldest two.

Apple Quinoa Muffins                                                                                                                           

2 cups cooked Quinoa

1/4 cup vegetable oil

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (you could use half whole wheat if you like)

1 Tbs cinnamon

2 medium grated apples

2  eggs

½ cup agave syrup

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1 pinch of salt

1 cup milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat your oven to 350.  Yeilds 12 Large muffins or 18 medium sized muffins

I use silicone muffin cups, which are fantastic, but if you don’t have those grease a  muffin tin.

Combine flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a medium bowl.  In a separate bowl mix together the milk, oil, quinoa, vanilla, and egg.  Stir in the grated apples.  Add the dry ingredients and stir until just moistened, and portion out the batter.

Bake for about 20 minutes or until the top of the muffin springs back when you touch it.

This makes a great addition to school lunches.  Because they are loaded with protein  they fill up little stomachs and  give a great boost of energy.

What are some of your favorite things to put in lunches?